Lead Based Paint in MN Homes
MN Home buyers and sellers need to be aware of the presence of lead in homes. Home sellers are required to disclose all that they know about the presence of lead and provide copies of all test results from lead testing. Home buyers need to be aware of the dangers of lead exposure and their rights to test for it. Lead is NOT just in paint! It can also be in the soil and plumbing.According to the Minnespta Department of Health, lead poisoning is a concern for both children and adults. It can cause:
- permanent problems with health, learning and behavior in children
- high blood pressure, kidney damage and fertility problems in adults
- You can be exposed to lead any time you breathe lead dust or fumes, or swallow anything that contains lead.
- About 75 percent of the homes built before 1978 contain some lead-based paint. The older the home, the more likely it is to contain lead-based paint. You should assume that any home built before 1978 contains some lead. To be sure, test your home for lead following the advice found on this Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) web page.
- You can protect yourself and your family from lead by following the appropriate remodeling safety procedures.
Lead Fact Sheets and Brochures
EPAs How to make your home lead-safe
Real Estate Sample Lead Based Paint Disclosure
Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home -- color 8 1/2" x 11" (PDF) (Sept 2013)
Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home -- color booklet (PDF) (Sept 2013)
The Lead Program at the MDH provide information about home test kits, laboratories that test for lead in paint, dust, water and soil and consulting firms that perform lead risk assessments. They can be reached by calling (651) 201-4620 or visiting www.health.state.mn.us/lead. Lead Paint Testing (PDF: 58KB/ 2 pages)
Other MN Real Estate Disclosures:
Radon in Real Estate Transactions (PDF)
For Your Protection Get a Home Inspection
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